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The Elders call for dialogue and restraint over Catalonia crisis

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The Elders express their deep concern at the recent violent confrontation in Catalonia and urged both sides to pursue a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

“The constitutional crisis that is unfolding in Spain calls for consultation and not confrontation."

The Elders today expressed their deep concern at the recent violent confrontation in Catalonia and urged both sides to pursue a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

The Elders applauded the progress that Spain has made since its democratic transition in 1975. This achievement should not be put at risk. The potential political, economic and social repercussions of a protracted crisis should not be underestimated.

They called on both sides to refrain from any more divisive and inflammatory language and actions.

Kofi Annan, Chair of The Elders said:

“The constitutional crisis that is unfolding in Spain calls for consultation and not confrontation. I urge the Spanish government and the regional government of Catalonia to renew their commitment to a resolution through dialogue. They must find a peaceful path out of this crisis.”

For media inquiries, please contact William French, Head of Communications at The Elders (+44 7795 693903) or email: [email protected]

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