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Elders Statements

The Elders: Peaceful solutions must be sought in Kenya

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As post-election violence continues in Kenya, The Elders call for a peaceful path forward and for the protection of human life and human rights.

To the Kenyan people, we wish to express our sympathy for the turmoil, tragedy and loss you have experienced in recent days, and to appeal to the goodness in each of you to save your country and protect your countrymen and women from harm by choosing a peaceful path forward.

To the government of Kenya, we urge that you act upon your responsibility to protect Kenya's citizens and allow them to live free from harm and with dignity. To the leaders of the Orange Democratic Movement, we ask that you urge your supporters to adopt a non-violent approach. Should the Kenyan government fail in this duty, we ask that the international community stand ready to assist in the protection of human life and human rights. None of us can turn a blind eye to the violence and ethnic targeting taking place in Kenya.

The Elders have called for an international review of the election and its aftermath, and for peaceful dialogue. We have offered assistance in both regards. We stand in solidarity with our Chairman, Archbishop Tutu, who is helping in the search for peaceful solutions. We support our Kenyan brothers and sisters' pleas for peace, justice and democracy.

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