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Nuclear weapons
Media Releases

Ban Ki-moon “dismayed” at Russia’s de-ratification of CTBT nuclear test ban treaty

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Media Release: Deputy Chair of The Elders Ban Ki-moon deplores the decision of the Russian Parliament to de-ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and urges all nuclear states to pursue dialogue and engagement at a time of heightened international tensions.

Ban Ki-moon, Deputy Chair of The Elders and former UN Secretary-General, said:

“I am dismayed by the Duma’s decision to revoke Russia’s ratification of the CTBT. This will further undermine the international arms control architecture and risks fracturing the global taboo against nuclear testing. As the former Chair of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Preparatory Organization, I urge Russia and the other six nuclear-armed states who are not party to the CTBT to refrain from taking any steps towards resuming nuclear testing. At a time of growing international tensions and heightened threat of nuclear conflict, all leaders of nuclear-armed states must pursue dialogue and engagement. This is the only way to effectively manage nuclear risks and prevent the further erosion of global norms.”

For media inquiries, please contact William French, Head of Communications (+44 7795 693 903) or email: [email protected]


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