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The Elders express grave concern about the political crisis in Kenya. They urge political leaders and their parties to demonstrate statesmanship to avoid further deepening the polarisation of Kenyan society.

The Elders expressed grave concern about the political crisis in Kenya that has erupted in the wake of the recent presidential election.

They urged political leaders and their parties to demonstrate statesmanship in order to avoid further deepening the polarisation of Kenyan society.

The Elders believe that the crisis can only be resolved through dialogue and due process.

They noted with dismay reports of violent clashes between police and protestors, which are enflaming the situation.

They urged the security forces to discharge their duties with restraint. Their mission is to protect and serve their people.

Graça Machel, co-founder of The Elders, said:

“The eyes of the world are on Kenya. It is incumbent on all political leaders to show integrity and insist their supporters react calmly, peacefully and democratically in the days and weeks ahead.”


For media inquiries, please contact William French, Head of Communications at The Elders (+44 7795 693903) or email: [email protected]

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