The Elders express concern for future of Grameen Bank
<h3 class="post-title subpt">In this statement, The Elders express their full support of former Elder Muhammad Yunus after the announcement of a Commission of Inquiry to review the ownership of Grameen Bank, the microfinance organisation founded by Professor Yunus in 1983.</h3><div class="quoteblock"><div class="quotetext"></div></div><p>The Elders express concern at the announcement of a Commission of Inquiry to review the ownership of Grameen Bank, and worry about the bank’s continued ability to support Bangladesh’s poor.</p>
<p>The Elders give their full support to <strong><a href="… Muhammad Yunus</a></strong>, founder of <strong><a href="">Grameen Bank</a></strong>, who was removed last year as head of the bank, and share his concern at the conduct of the inquiry. As a Nobel Peace Laureate and former member of The Elders, Professor Yunus is a globally recognised pioneer in the field of microfinance, poverty alleviation and grassroots empowerment.</p>