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Kathy Bushkin Calvin


Kathy Calvin is President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation, a public charity established in 1998 by Ted Turner to address global problems through public-private partnerships.

In 2011, Kathy was named one of Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Rock the World,” and in 2012, she was listed in Fast Company’s “League of Extraordinary Women.”

Before joining the UN Foundation in 2003, Kathy guided AOL Time Warner's philanthropic activities as President of the company's foundation and was America Online's (AOL) Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer. Kathy served as Managing Director at Hill and Knowlton and for 12 years was the Director of Editorial Administration for US News & World Report. From 1976 to 1984, Kathy served as Senator Gary Hart's Press Secretary.

Throughout her career, Kathy Calvin has taken an active role in a range of philanthropic activities, including the boards of the International Women's Media Foundation, City Year, Internews, the Newseum, Share Our Strength, the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), and the East-West Center. She is a graduate of Purdue University and a frequent public speaker and commentator.

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