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Judith Lingeman


Judith Lingeman is the director of international affairs of the Postcode Lottery Group, a private company with a social purpose, that brings together business and ideals. It operates Postcode Lotteries in five European countries to raise funds for charity. With a lucky winning postcode (zipcode), neighbours win together. At the same time, thanks to these player communities, vital funding is raised for charities and good causes, making the Postcode Lottery Group the third largest private charity donor in the world after the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.

Judith holds a degree in Dutch Corporate Law from the University of Amsterdam Law School. She worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers as a recruiter for the Tax & Legal Services. In 2002 she joined the Dutch Postcode Lottery, where she became responsible for the allocation processes, formal affairs and relationships with the long-term charity partners in the Netherlands. Currently Judith plays an international role in the alignment of the Postcode Lottery Group and in investigating the opportunities for further expansion into other countries.

Judith was selected as a 2013 Young Global Leader, thanks to her professional accomplishments, her commitment to society and her potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world through her inspiring leadership. She represents the lotteries at numerous occasions around the world, driven by her passion to create a better, just world. She is well-known for her fresh thinking, multistakeholder engagement and dynamic ways of collaborating. One of her credos is ’nothing is impossible’.

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