We work on existential threats to humanity that require a collective response - the climate crisis, pandemics, and nuclear weapons. We also work on conflict, a threat in itself and a risk factor for other threats.

Drawing on our values and our mandate from Nelson Mandela, we incorporate four cross-cutting commitments across our four programme areas.
Past work
Programmes The Elders have worked on previously include...

Access to Justice
Access to justice for all is an important human right. We worked with governments and civil society to help make this right a reality.

Refugees and Migration
We championed the need for compassion, tolerance and solidarity in response to vulnerable people on the move.

Universal Health Coverage
We made global and country-level interventions to support UHC in the broader context of pandemic preparedness and response, and the SDGs.

Child Marriage
Child marriage affects millions of girls worldwide. We brought together organisations working locally, nationally and internationally in a global partnership to end this harmful practice.