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Long-view leadership film series: Existential threats solutions

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It's time for bold new thinking on existential threats

Our world is in grave danger. The climate and nature crisis, nuclear weapons, pandemics and ungoverned AI pose a set of existential threats that put all of humanity at risk. Yet, our leaders are not responding with the wisdom and urgency required. 

As global decision-makers prepare to gather in New York in September for the UN Summit of the Future, it is time to change direction. 

In partnership with the Future of Life Institute, The Elders present a series of expert-led short films to inspire bold, new thinking from world leaders on the greatest challenges facing humanity.

Will our leaders rise to the challenge?

Watch the films and share online

Climate and nature crisis

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We are at a precipice of climate catastrophe. Without a rapid change of direction the climate and nature crisis will threaten everyone on our planet. Pacific Climate Warrior Brianna Fruean on how our leaders can rise to the challenge.

Nuclear weapons

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With the threat of nuclear conflict higher than at any time since the Cold War, nuclear weapons expert Dr Olamide Samuel sets out practical and political responses for global leaders to tackle growing risks.


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Millions of lives were lost to Covid-19 and millions more still struggle to overcome its devastating impact, yet the short-term thinking of our leaders leaves us woefully underprepared for the next pandemic. Leading public health expert Dr Raj Panjabi explores how leaders can prevent, prepare and respond to future pandemics.

Ungoverned AI

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Artificial intelligence has the potential to provide huge benefits to humanity, but its rapid, ungoverned development comes with great risks. AI experts Stuart Russell and Kate Kallot explain what leaders must do to ensure AI is a force for good.

Meet the experts

The climate expert:
Brianna Fruean

Pacific Climate Warrior; Activist and Environmental Advocate for Samoa

Brianna sits on the Council of Elders for the Pacific Climate Warriors and is a Champion for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty. 

The nuclear weapons expert:
Dr Olamide Samuel

Track II diplomat and Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network 

Dr Samuel’s role at the European Leadership Network follows several years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Nuclear Politics at the University of Leicester, and as a Senior Teaching Fellow at SOAS University of London. 

The pandemics expert:
Dr Raj Panjabi

Distinguished authority in health care, public policy, entrepreneurship, and technology

Dr Panjabi served as White House Senior Director and Special Assistant to President Biden. He was the top pandemic and health official at the National Security Council and played a pivotal role in the largest vaccination campaign in history against COVID-19 and responses to public health crises, including Mpox, Influenza and Ebola.

The AI expert:
Kate Kallot

Globally-recognised technologist and Founder and CEO of Amini

Kate Kallot is a world-class technologist who has received sustained acclaim in tech for social impact, most notably for her work advancing technology access across Africa. She was named TIME 100 most influential people in AI.  Amini the AI startup she founded works to solve Africa's environmental data scarcity to support regenerating natural capital at scale.

The AI expert:
Stuart Russell OBE

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley, and the Director of the Center for Intelligent Systems 

A world renowned expert on AI, his book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (with Peter Norvig) is the standard text in AI, used in universities around the world. He is a fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Series trailer

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Add your voice to the call for long-view leadership on existential threats

Sign the open letter

On 15 February 2024, The Elders and the Future of Life Institute launched a combined call for long-view leadership in an open letter to world leaders. The letter was co-signed by a diverse global coalition including over 150 global leaders, experts and public figures from nearly 60 countries. 

The letter welcomes people of all communities, generations, and political views to join the call for courageous decision-making. 


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With thanks to our project supporters

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