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Africa’s bright future

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On Desmond Tutu's 82nd birthday, Chair of The Elders Kofi Annan delivers the 2013 Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture. Watch the speech here.


Kofi Annan will deliver the 2013 Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture in South Africa today, urging Africans not to be complacent about challenges such as climate change, youth unemployment and terrorism.

Building strong, cohesive societies in which everyone has a chance to thrive, Kofi Annan will argue, rests on four key priorities: rejecting ‘winner takes all’ politics; improving electoral integrity; tackling impunity and upholding the rule of law; and embracing diversity as a source of strength.

The event marks the 82nd birthday of former Elders Chair Desmond Tutu. Kofi Annan will praise Archbishop Tutu as a model of ethical leadership, saying: “There is a crucial role here for Africa’s religious leaders in promoting tolerance and understanding of our common humanity. We need them, at every opportunity, to denounce violence, and discrimination, including on the grounds of gender and sexuality.”

SABC live-streamed the Lecture from South Africa. Watch the video:

Read more about the event on the Kofi Annan Foundation website.

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