The Elders deplore Russia’s move to block a consensus outcome to the NPT Review Conference

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders and former President of Ireland, said:
“It is disappointing that consensus has not been reached on a final statement at the NPT Review Conference, and I deplore Russia’s decision to block a consensus outcome. Nevertheless, I applaud the majority of states who worked in good faith to ensure that the NPT can continue to serve as a cornerstone for global efforts to prevent nuclear proliferation, to pursue general and complete disarmament, and enable countries to benefit from the peaceful uses of nuclear technologies.
At a time when nuclear threats are growing, where demand for nuclear weapons may rise, and where all of the nuclear weapons states are increasing their reliance on nuclear weapons, countries must act in good faith to take what was done at the NPT Review Conference and pursue further steps to achieve its goals. The P5 states have a particular responsibility to get serious about their article 6 commitment to pursue nuclear disarmament in good faith, and I call on them to show leadership in working to reduce the threat of nuclear catastrophe in the months and years ahead. Only by cooperating and finding common purpose can we rid the world of the existential danger posed by nuclear weapons.”