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Mary Robinson reacts to final COP28 agreement

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Chair of The Elders, Mary Robinson at COP28 in Dubai.
Media Release: Following the publication of the final COP28 agreement Mary Robinson praised progress on loss and damage but criticised the failure to commit to a full fossil fuel phase out as well as a lack of transparency at the conference.

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders and former President of Ireland, said:

“The COP28 agreement, while signalling the need to bring about the end of the fossil fuel era, falls short by failing to commit to a full fossil fuel phase out.

"If 1.5°C is our ‘North Star’, and science our compass, we must swiftly phase out all fossil fuels to chart a course towards a liveable future.  To fail to keep global warming below 1.5°C has catastrophic implications for the most vulnerable communities and countries.

"At a time of profound global challenges, that nations have managed to salvage enough common ground in Dubai to keep the climate action process moving forward is notable. Progress on loss and damage and tripling renewable energy demonstrate the vital role of multilateralism in addressing the climate crisis. However, at COP28 transparency, equity and climate justice have been undermined by misleading language, false solutions and game-playing. Furthermore, the final agreement lacks the critical financial keys to unlock the trillions of dollars needed for any just transition. Without providing the necessary means for implementation we doom those countries on the frontlines of the climate emergency to failure.

"Climate action must not cease because the gavel has come down on COP28. World leaders must continue to urgently pull together and find ways forward to tackle this existential threat. Every day of delay condemns millions to an uninhabitable world.”

For media inquiries, please contact William French, Head of Communications (+44 7795 693 903) or email: [email protected]


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