Remembering Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan's passing stunned the world. Here, we compile a selection of tributes from his friends, colleagues and those inspired by his leadership.
Kofi Annan (Credit: Joël Saget /AFP)
On 18 August, we learned with shock and deep sadness of the untimely passing of our Chair Kofi Annan.
We are shocked and deeply saddened at the passing of our dear friend, colleague and Chair, Kofi Annan. Statement:
— The Elders (@TheElders) August 18, 2018
Ban Ki-moon, Kofi Annan's successor at the United Nations joined fellow Elders, friends and colleagues to pay tribute to his life and legacy:
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon remembers his predecessor, the "monumental" Kofi Annan
— TIME (@TIME) August 23, 2018
President Ahtisaari fondly recalls his long-time friend @KofiAnnan. According to Ahtisaari, Annan was the most successful secretary-general in the history of the UN.
— CMI (@cmioffice) August 19, 2018
The Graça Machel Trust joins the world in the mourning of Kofi Annan
— GracaMachelTrust (@G_MachelTrust) August 20, 2018
La humanidad pierde a un pilar moral. Pierde a un guerrero de la paz. Pierde a una voz que, en este mundo convulso, siempre buscó el diálogo. La ausencia de Kofi Annan será enorme y la mejor manera de homenajearlo es mantenernos fieles a los principios que inspiraron su lucha
— Ricardo Lagos E. (@RicardoLagos) August 18, 2018
"Kofi Annan was driven by the passionate intensity of the very best convictions: that peace, justice and human rights are not only to be desired but essential values that must be fought for."
— UNHCR Ireland (@UNHCRIreland) August 20, 2018
Former Irish President Mary Robinson in today's @IrishTimes
Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good. I join the world in mourning his loss. In these turbulent and trying times, his legacy as a global champion for peace will remain a true inspiration for us all.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) August 18, 2018
Today, we reflect on the lesson Kofi Annan shared with us at the Obama Foundation Leaders: Africa convening: that one is never too young to lead, or too old to learn. A leader since his youth, a learner till his passing, we mourn the loss of our friend.
— The Obama Foundation (@ObamaFoundation) August 18, 2018
Young people and civil society, including #WalkTogether Sparks of Hope who were inspired by Kofi Annan's leadership, left heartfelt tributes:
We marched together with Kofi Annan and @TheElders in Johannesburg on 18-Jul-2018. We all chanted peace for humanity as we "Continue Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom". This would become #KoffiAnnan's good bye march on African soil before he would join Mandela exactly 1 month after
— Victor Ochen (@Victor_OCHEN) August 19, 2018
For Africans across the continent, #KofiAnnan was a symbol of immense pride. For those of us in the international development space: he was the greatest proof of possibility.
— Blessing Omakwu. (@BlessingOmakwu) August 18, 2018
“You’re never too young to lead and never too old to learn.” These words will resonate forever.
— One Young World (@OneYoungWorld) August 19, 2018
Read #OYW’s tribute to @KofiAnnan. #RIPKofiAnnan
Elders Emeritus also shared their memories:
— The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) August 18, 2018
"Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu remembers Kofi Annan"
— TIME (@TIME) August 23, 2018
It is with immense sadness that I learned of the passing way of Kofi Annan. He was a peerless peacemaker and indomitable builder of a better world for all. His style of leadership was both quiet and strong, bold and inspiring. No words can account for such a loss.
— Fernando Henrique Cardoso (@FHC) August 18, 2018
The Elders' Advisory Council, on whose support and advice we depend, paid tribute:
The world will be a poorer place without Kofi Annan. It’s up to all of us to step up and carry on his work championing humanity @theelders
— Richard Branson (@richardbranson) August 18, 2018
"Today we have suffered a great loss – Kofi Annan, Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations and our much-loved chair of @TheElders. It was an honour to get to know this extraordinary man" - pg. Read Peter's tribute in full >>
— Peter Gabriel (@itspetergabriel) August 18, 2018
In our statement at the time of his passing, Acting Chair Gro Harlem Brundtland said: "We resolve as Elders to continue to uphold Kofi Annan's values and legacy into the future”.
The Elders at their April 2018 Board Meeting.