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The Elders Action Fund

Join a global group of committed philanthropists
Meet The Elders

More from The Elders Action Fund

“The Elders can become a fiercely independent and robust force for good, tackling complex and intractable issues. They will not take the easy, short term route, but support long-term, sustainable approaches that address the root causes of problems.

Nelson Mandela

The Elders are an independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice and human rights.

Founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007, our vision is of a world where people live in peace, conscious of their common humanity and their shared responsibilities for each other, for the planet and for future generations.

You’re invited to join us

We would like to invite you to join The Elders Action Fund.

This is a global group of committed philanthropists united in their support to help The Elders achieve impact across the world. You will help to provide important funds to enable Elders to engage with global leaders, inspire and amplify the voices of the most vulnerable and support civil society to drive the changes needed to address global challenges.

Photo: The Elders / Michael Tewelde
Photo: The Elders / Michael Tewelde

Your support could help tackle the greatest problems we face: from pandemics and the climate emergency; to justice, gender inequality, nuclear proliferation and conflict prevention.

You will play an important role in helping The Elders to realise Nelson Mandela’s vision of a dedicated group of leaders who “use their collective experience and moral courage [to] make our planet a more peaceful, healthy and equitable place to live”.

The Elders are an independent group of global leaders working together for peace, justice and human rights.

Founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007, our vision is of a world where people live in peace, conscious of their common humanity and their shared responsibilities for each other, for the planet and for future generations.

You’re invited to join us

We would like to invite you to join The Elders Action Fund.

This is a global group of committed philanthropists united in their support to help The Elders achieve impact across the world. You will help to provide important funds to enable Elders to engage with global leaders, inspire and amplify the voices of the most vulnerable and support civil society to drive the changes needed to address global challenges.

Photo: The Elders / Michael Tewelde

Your support could help tackle the greatest problems we face: from pandemics and the climate emergency; to justice, gender inequality, nuclear proliferation and conflict prevention.

You will play an important role in helping The Elders to realise Nelson Mandela’s vision of a dedicated group of leaders who “use their collective experience and moral courage [to] make our planet a more peaceful, healthy and equitable place to live”.

Photo: The Elders / Michael Tewelde

In a world divided by fear, hatred and self-interest - Mandela’s legacy of moral courage shines even brighter through the work of the Elders.

Richard Branson, Patron of The Elders


Who Are The Elders

The Elders are Ban Ki-moon (Deputy Chair), Lakhdar BrahimiGro Harlem BrundtlandZeid Raad Al HusseinHina JilaniEllen Johnson SirleafRicardo LagosGraça Machel (Deputy Chair), Juan Manuel SantosMary Robinson (Chair) and Ernesto Zedillo

Martti AhtisaariEla BhattFernando Henrique CardosoJimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu are Elders Emeritus.

Kofi Annan (1938-2018) was a founding member of The Elders and served as Chair from 2013 to 2018.



The Opportunity

Donors to The Elders Action Fund will have opportunity to meet Elders through events and online discussions, hear their views and ask questions of this extraordinary group of former heads of state, leading figures in the United Nations, Nobel Peace Laureates, and global advocates for peace, justice and human rights.


Our Commitment to you

As a donor to The Elders Action Fund you will receive, annually:

  • Acknowledgement on The Elders website and in our Annual Review
  • Reports on Elders initiatives and meetings with global leaders
  • Biannual newsletter highlighting Elders activity and impact
  • Invitations to private webinars and events with Elders
  • Opportunity to network with the Advisory Council and gain further insights into The Elders’ work

"The Elders and the United Nations share the same values of justice, solidarity and a determination to fight for peace and human rights.”

Ban Ki-moon, Deputy Chair of The Elders

Next steps

To be a part of The Elders Action Fund please contact Vanessa Smye.

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