Mary Robinson: leading The Elders into its second decade

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, reflects on the key challenges facing the group as it enters its second decade, and how it will continue to build on Nelson Mandela's vision of a freer, fairer world.
The Elders' priorities
Mary Robinson on defending the multilateral system, responding to the urgent threat of climate change, and tackling the rising dangers of nuclear proliferation.
Following in Mandela's footsteps
Reflecting on The Elders' journey since being founded by Nelson Mandela in 2007, Mary Robinson discusses how to follow Nelson Mandela's lead and shine a light on the marginalised or forgotten, particularly women and young people.
Giving a voice to the voiceless
Finally, Mary Robinson discusses why is it important that the Elders use their collective voice to amplify those who go unheard in global debates.