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Ricardo Lagos becomes Elder Emeritus

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Photo: Ricardo Lagos and Elders visit Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital in California, USA, 2018.
The Elders announced today that Ricardo Lagos will step down from full-time duties and become an Elder Emeritus.

Ricardo Lagos, 85, joined The Elders in 2016. He served as President of Chile from 2000-2006, having played a key role in his country’s transition to democracy from the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in the late 1980s.

As an Elder, Ricardo Lagos played an important role in promoting the group’s work on health, climate change and social justice. He participated in key meetings with world leaders including Pope Francis, President Xi Jinping of China and President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa.

The Elders pay tribute to their friend’s significant legacy of promoting democracy and human rights at home and abroad, and look forward to continuing to benefit from his wisdom as an Elder Emeritus.

"Our world faces many grave problems that require us to join hands and share our different experiences." - Ricardo Lagos

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