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Cyprus: visiting a divided community

Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, and Lakhdar Brahimi visited Cyprus  an island that has been divided between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities for more than four decades. During periods of violence in the 1960s and 1970s around 500 Turkish Cypriots and 1,500 Greek Cypriots were reported missing. While they were assumed to have been killed, their bodies were never found.

The Elders met with Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders, civil society and youth to support leaders and groups in both Turkish and Greek communities who wished to end the conflict on the island.

Find out more about The Elders' work in Cyprus

The Elders speak out on the situation in Zimbabwe

In the shadow of an escalating humanitarian crisis in Zimbabwe and refusal from the Zimbabwean Government to cooperate on The Elders' planned humanitarian visit  Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter and Graça Machel held a press conference in Johannesburg about the situation:

“We want to talk to the people and hear their stories directly. We want people to know that we care, and that we will do all we can to help them. People are dying from hunger every day in Zimbabwe and hospitals are unable to treat the sick.”
 Graça Machel

The Elders also held meetings with political leaders, civil society, business representatives, donors, aid agencies and UN agency heads over three days in Johannesburg.

Learn about The Elders' work on Zimbabwe

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