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The Elders launch initiative on Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Gro Harlem Brundtland, Hina Jilani and Graça Machel launched a new Elders initiative on Universal Health Coverage, at the Women Deliver conference in Copenhagen.  

The Elders believe that Universal Health Coverage is built on foundations of equity and rights, and that countries should plan and implement strategies to reach Universal Health Coverage in an equitable way, as the best way to achieve the overall Sustainable Development Goal on health.  

Read the Elders' position paper on UHC

Jimmy Carter steps down to become an Elder Emeritus

Jimmy Carter stepped down from his role on the front line with The Elders, becoming an Elders Emeritus.

President Carter has been a member of The Elders since it was founded by Mandela in 2007, and has taken part in many Elders trips to promote peace and good governance, especially in the Middle East.

Find out more about Jimmy Carter

Ricardo Lagos joins The Elders

Former President of Chile Ricardo Lagos joined The Elders in 2016. 

Ricardo Lagos was elected President of Chile in 2000, 12 years after tenaciously leading efforts to restore democracy to the country, which ultimately led to the resignation of General Pinochet and the restoration of civilian rule. 

He finished his Presidential term with historically-high approval ratings above 70% and has since served as UN Special Envoy on Climate Change, Commissioner for the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and Professor-at-large on International Relations at Brown University.


Discover more about Ricardo Lagos

Launch of The Refugee and Migration report

The Elders launched a new initiative on Refugees and Migration, recognising the mass movement of people as one of the most significant challenges the world faces today, but also a great opportunity.  

During a trip to Berlin, where the Elders met with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and President Joachim Gauck, they launched the report: In Challenge Lies Opportunity: How the World Must Respond to Refugees and Mass Migration, setting out four key principles that must be at the heart of an international response to refugees and mass migration.

Get more information about The Elders' work on Refugees and Migration

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