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The Elders call for this generation to be the generation that brings about equality

The Elders called for leaders to prioritise access to justice and gender equality and for justice systems that are refocused on the needs of women and girls.

“We should seize this opportunity to address the injustices laid bare by the pandemic.”
- Mary Robinson

Discover more about The Elders' work on Access to Justice for women and girls

The Elders celebrate Mandela's legacy by focusing on the global State of Hope

Inspired by the vision set out by their founder, Nelson Mandela, the Elders explored obstacles to peace, justice and human rights and sparked a discussion about what hope means – and where it can be found.

Watch the State of Hope talks

The Elders at COP26 in Glasgow

The Elders called for decisive action from world leaders on the climate crisis – a crisis threatening the survival of humanity.

Led by Mary Robinson, The Elders called for bold leadership to avert catastrophe, protect the vulnerable and build climate resilience. 

Read the Elders calls for climate action

Archbishop Desmond Tutu dies, 1931 - 2021

Desmond Tutu passed away after a long and brave battle against ill health. “Arch”, as he liked to be called, was the first Chair of The Elders from 2007-2013. He played a vital role in shaping the organisation, its values and its work.

The Elders paid tribute to their dear friend and colleague.

“The Elders would not be who they are today without his passion, commitment and keen moral compass. Arch was respected around the world for his dedication to justice, equality and freedom.”  
- Mary Robinson   

Read the tributes to Arch

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