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Celebrating 15 years by exploring the State of Hope

As The Elders marked its 15th year, Mary Robinson explored the legacy of Mandela and the dearly-missed Archbishop Desmond Tutu in her State of Hope Talk. In her Talk, she paid tribute to 'Arch' and reflected on the importance of bold and transformative hope in our fractured world. 

Watch the State of Hope Talk

The Elders stress neutrality on Ukraine cannot be an option following Kyiv visit

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ban Ki-moon and Juan Manuel Santos met President Volodymr Zelenskyy and other senior government figures in Kyiv after visiting the sites of atrocities committed by Russian forces.

“It is vital that the 16 million Ukrainian people in need get access to humanitarian assistance, particularly those living in areas not controlled by the Government. The victims of this terrible aggression cannot be ignored. Ukraine also needs sustained financial support to aid reconstruction and recovery.”
- Juan Manuel Santos

Read the statement

Elbegdorj Tsakhia joins The Elders

Former President and Prime Minister of Mongolia Elbegdorj Tsakhia joined The Elders in 2022. 

President Elbegdorj served in office from 2009 to 2017. He helped redefine his country’s relations with its neighbours including Russia and China, as well as establishing Mongolia as an active member of the global community of democracies.

He is an international campaigner on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, climate change and democracy.

Discover more about Elbegdorj Tsakhia

Ela Bhatt dies, 1933 - 2022

Ela Bhatt, or Elaben as she liked to be known, was one of the founding members of The Elders, and played an important role in its early development.

The Elders paid tribute to their dear friend and colleague.

"She was deeply admired by us all for her unceasing work on behalf of women and vulnerable people around the world. Her work helped to change the lives of many hundreds of thousands of women for the better."

- Mary Robinson

Read more

The Elders publish a new Charter for Equitable, Sustainable and Inclusive Universal Health Coverage

The Elders launched a Charter for Equitable, Sustainable and Inclusive Universal Health Coverage to conclude six years of global advocacy on UHC. The Charter, developed by Ernesto Zedillo with the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, distilled The Elders’ policy insights and recommendations, and provided a bedrock for future work on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.

Read the Charter

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