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Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

Nuclear weapons are a threat to the future of all life on earth. Any use will be catastrophic. We advocate a realistic agenda of minimisation.

The Issue

Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity. As long as these weapons remain in existence, it is inevitable that they will someday be used, whether by design, accident or miscalculation. The nuclear powers must get serious about taking steps towards the eventual total elimination of nuclear weapons. Watch our video.

Our Approach

We believe that nuclear disarmament is most likely to be achieved through a practical step-by-step process which can get buy-in from all governments, including the nuclear powers and their allies. We therefore advocate that the immediate, medium term objective should be to focus on minimisation of nuclear weapons, but with total nuclear disarmament as the ultimate end goal. 

UN Photo / Paulo Filgueiras
Molly Riley / The Elders

The Elders' Agenda on Nuclear Minimisation

  1. Doctrine: every nuclear state should make an unequivocal “No First Use” declaration
  2. De-alerting: as many warheads as possible should be taken off high alert status
  3. Deployment: substantially reduce the one-quarter of all nuclear warheads that are currently operationally deployed
  4. Decrease: cut the number of nuclear weapons in existence to around 2,000


Our call to preserve peace for future generations

Ban Ki-moon, Ernesto Zedillo, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Mary Robinson explain why all nuclear powers must pursue policies of nuclear minimisation.


The Issue

Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity. As long as these weapons remain in existence, it is inevitable that they will someday be used, whether by design, accident or miscalculation. The nuclear powers must get serious about taking steps towards the eventual total elimination of nuclear weapons. Watch our video.

Our Approach

We believe that nuclear disarmament is most likely to be achieved through a practical step-by-step process which can get buy-in from all governments, including the nuclear powers and their allies. We therefore advocate that the immediate, medium term objective should be to focus on minimisation of nuclear weapons, but with total nuclear disarmament as the ultimate end goal. 

UN Photo / Paulo Filgueiras

The Elders' Agenda on Nuclear Minimisation

  1. Doctrine: every nuclear state should make an unequivocal “No First Use” declaration
  2. De-alerting: as many warheads as possible should be taken off high alert status
  3. Deployment: substantially reduce the one-quarter of all nuclear warheads that are currently operationally deployed
  4. Decrease: cut the number of nuclear weapons in existence to around 2,000


Molly Riley / The Elders

Our call to preserve peace for future generations

Ban Ki-moon, Ernesto Zedillo, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Mary Robinson explain why all nuclear powers must pursue policies of nuclear minimisation.


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