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The Elders in North Korea: dialogue, security and humanitarian conditions

“On relations between North and South Korea, there are no quick fixes to security and nuclear issues, and progress will require greater flexibility, sincerity and commitment from all parties.”
– Jimmy Carter

As part of The Elders' work on the Korean Peninsula, Martti Ahtisaari, Mary Robinson, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Jimmy Carter travelled to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) to explore how to help ease tensions with the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and discuss how to address the reported food crisis. During their visit, the Elders held meetings with a wide range of high-level officials from respective countries.

Read more about the trip

The Elders visit Côte d’Ivoire

Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson visited Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, in May 2011 to encourage healing and national reconciliation. Whilst in Cote d’Ivoire they met with President Alassane Ouattara, representatives of the new government, leaders of political parties and members of civil society organisations, as well as UN representatives.

“Although a political handover has finally taken place and the election results implemented, the situation is still fragile. Ivorians have suffered terribly as a result of the conflict. Many are still afraid to return to their homes. There is only one Côte d’Ivoire and the leaders and the people must understand that. The cloak of government must cover all. Ivorians have no option but to reconcile, heal and live together.”
- Kofi Annan

Read the press release

Girls Not Brides: Ending Child Marriage

In September 2011, The Elders initiated “Girls Not Brides” -  a global network to bring attention to the harmful practices that hold girls and women back, and to encourage and empower others to build a world free from child marriage.

The same year, Desmond Tutu, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Mary Robinson and Graça Machel travelled to Addis Ababa to visit communities affected by high rates of child marriages to speak with experts and activists working to end it.

Learn about The Elders' work on child marriage

Rio+20 and the 'Elders+Youngers' initiative

The Elders travelled to Rio for the Rio+20 conference where they launched the Elders+Youngers initiative to share experiences across generations.

The Elders recognised that there is much to learn from youth, and we must create the space for them to share their aspirations and ideas with older generations.

Find out more about The Elders' intergenerational work

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