<h3 class="post-title subpt">At an Elders debate in Oxford last week, Kofi Annan and Mary Robinson respond to questions about climate change and urge young people to mobilise ahead of a major climate conference in Paris in 2015.</h3><div class="quoteblock"><div class="quotetext"></div></div><p><strong><a href="http://theelders.org/article/debate-highlights-how-do-you-speak-truth-p… more and watch the video of the event</a></strong></p>
Former UN Secretary-General, Nobel Peace Laureate and former Chair of The Elders; put development, human rights, the rule of law, good governance and peace at the top of the United Nations agenda.
First woman President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; Chair of The Elders; a passionate advocate for gender equality, women’s participation in peace-building, human dignity and climate justice.