Marking Mandela’s legacy with a week of Elders’ discussion

The Elders’ State of Hope seeks to explore Madiba’s vision in the context of contemporary challenges.
In a series of talks released online each day from 12 July 2021, The Elders will embark on a week of online discussions about the global state of hope.
The Elders will reflect on some of the world’s most intractable challenges, drawing on the sense of hope embodied by Mandela as they seek to spark a wider discussion about the shared problems we face in these unprecedented times.
Watch talks from Juan Manuel Santos on peace; Hina Jilani on justice; Zeid Raad Al Hussein on human rights; and Mary Robinson on our shared challenges with additional interviews and commentary from Graça Machel, Ban Ki-moon and Gro Harlem Brundtland.
View responses and perspectives from high profile figures such as Malala Yousafzai, Gordon Brown, Vanessa Nakate, Col. Chris Hadfield, Louise Arbour, Kevin Rudd, and Sally Osberg.
Take Part in the conversation: share your thoughts on the challenges and the importance of hope at and with #StateOfHope.
Watch The Elders’ State of Hope talks from 12 July; join the Elders live online on 16 July (3pm London / 10am New York). Visit to learn more.

Mary Robinson

Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein

Hina Jilani