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The Elders' first visit to the Middle East

Jimmy Carter, Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Ela Bhatt and Fernando Henrique Cardoso travelled to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza to learn about the people’s perceptions – their hopes for the future, their fears and concerns in the region.

They assessed the situation on the ground and especially the humanitarian situation in Gaza and listened to a wide variety of views including support groups on both sides who work for peace.

“It is easy to talk to people you agree with, and everyone feels good afterwards. But it doesn’t reflect the reality and complexity, the real pain and emotion of this region. We can all gain by listening to those who are different from us.”
 Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Read the trip report

Climate Change: “We are all in this together”

“No one is immune – rich, poor, developed or developing countries. We are all in this together. I will probably be spared the worst effects of climate change but I worry for our children’s future and for the millions of people who are already being impoverished and displaced.”
 Desmond Tutu

At their annual board meeting, The Elders launched a new initiative on Climate Change.

Find out more about our Climate Change initiative

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