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Supporting peace talks between Sudan and South Sudan

The Elders travelled to Sudan and South Sudan in the wake of increased tensions between the two countries. 

The focus of the trip was to support peace efforts between Sudan and South Sudan, and Lakhdar Brahimi and Jimmy Carter met with senior leaders including Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, Vice-President Ali-Osman Taha, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Karti and Minister of Welfare and Social Security Mohamed Al-Fadil.

The Elders encouraged the leaders of the two countries to meet directly and emphasised the importance of dialogue to resolve the crisis. 

Read the press release

Visiting the Middle East and supporting a two-state solution

Martti Ahtisaari, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson travelled to Israel and the West Bank where they met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The Elders voiced their continued support of a two-state solution to the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

Following the visit to the West Bank, they travelled to Egypt and met with President Morsi, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Nabil El Araby, as well as civil society representatives before holding a televised discussion at the Cairo Opera House.

Learn about The Elders' work in Israel and Palestine

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