"When the Security Council fails, the United Nations fails"
To mark the first World Humanitarian Summit, five Elders are joined by Amnesty International and the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect to call for veto restraint and increased cooperation amongst the Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council, to prevent mass atrocities.

Kofi Annan
Former UN Secretary-General, Nobel Peace Laureate and former Chair of The Elders; put development, human rights, the rule of law, good governance and peace at the top of the United Nations agenda.

Jimmy Carter
Former President of the United States, Nobel Peace Laureate and veteran peace negotiator; dedicated to advancing peace, democracy and health worldwide.

Hina Jilani
Pioneering lawyer and pro-democracy campaigner; a leading activist in Pakistan's women's movement and international champion of human rights.

Mary Robinson
First woman President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; former Chair of The Elders; a passionate advocate for gender equality, women’s participation in peace-building, human dignity and climate justice.