The Elders call on leaders to address justice for survivors of gender-based violence with renewed vigour

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a myriad of risk factors for increased gender-based violence and violence against women and girls, including a lack of access to justice services and slow or stalled justice processes.
Services for survivors of gender-based and domestic violence must be regarded as essential by governments and should be resourced and made accessible, especially to marginalised and impoverished groups.
- The Elders call for responsive justice services that are tailored to women’s needs and that empower women and inform them about their options at each stage of their justice journey.
- The Elders call on male leaders to speak out against violence against women and girls and to play a role in defying the destructive stereotypes that normalise and perpetuate the gender inequality that underpins violence.
"Sustainable and long-lasting freedom from gender-based violence requires the commitment and the unwavering support of men."
- Ernesto Zedillo
Learn more about The Elders' calls for leaders to:
- Increase the number of women in leadership positions in the justice sector
- Increase funding for legal empowerment and justice services that meet the needs of women
- Address justice for survivors of gender-based violence with renewed vigour
- Invest in quality data and analysis on women’s justice problems and experiences
- Invest in gender-just climate solutions
Find out more about The Elders’ work on Access to Justice