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Kofi Annan succeeds Desmond Tutu as Chair of The Elders

Desmond Tutu stepped down after five years as Chair of The Elders. He is succeeded by Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General, and Dr Gro Brundtland assumed the position of his Deputy Chair.

Desmond Tutu served as Chair of The Elders since the group was convened by Nelson Mandela in 2007.

Read the press release

Hina Jilani and Ernesto Zedillo join The Elders

Pioneering lawyer and pro-democracy campaigner Hina Jilani and former President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo joined the Elders in 2013.

Hina Jilani created Pakistan’s first all-women law firm, co-founded Pakistan’s first legal aid centre, and founded the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. She also served as the first Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders 2000-2008.

Ernesto Zedillo is a renowned economist and former President of Mexico, currently serving as Director of the Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale University. He is a globally recognised voice on drug policy, nuclear non-proliferation and economic development.

Find out more

Myanmar: supporting democratisation and conflict resolution

The Elders travelled to Myanmar for the first time, as part of their commitment to supporting democratisation and helping resolve the conflicts between the military and ethnic armed groups.

Gro Harlem Brundtland, Jimmy Carter and Martti Ahtisaari took part in this visit and met with Myanmar's President Thein Sein, as well as religious leaders and civil society groups.

Discover more about The Elders visit to Myanmar

Nelson Mandela dies, 1918 - 2013

“Nelson Mandela stands as an inspiration to us all.”
Kofi Annan

Nelson Mandela – or Madiba as he is known in South Africa – called the Elders together in 2007, urging them to be bold, independent and to speak the truth. He told them to be a robust force for good, and to work in the interests of peace for all humanity.

The Elders have taken Madiba’s words as their mission and endeavour to honour his memory in their work.

Read The Elders' tribute to Nelson Mandela

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