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Photo: European Union 2013; European Parliament; Columbia University / Eileen Barroso

The Finding Humanity podcast explores the need for empathetic and principled leadership on some of the biggest challenges humanity is grappling with today.

Finding Humanity is available on major podcast platforms including: Google PodcastsSpotify and Apple Podcasts.

Listen to the latest Elders episode:

Former World Leaders on Climate Leadership: Why the Biden Era will be Defined by the Climate Challenge (28 January 2021)

As the United States moves to rejoin the Paris Agreement, in the first episode of a new special series of the Finding Humanity podcast Mary Robinson and Juan Manuel Santos discuss why world leaders must frame climate action in terms of opportunities as well as threats.

Global Governance: Former World Leaders on Collective Responsibility, The Future of Multilateralism and The United Nations (24 June 2020)

In this episode, Mary Robinson and Gro Harlem Brundtland discuss multilateralism and why effective global partnerships are the best defence against existential threats, including the pandemic that we are facing today.

Women On The Frontlines: Ireland and Africa's First Female Heads of State on Empathetic Leadership, Feminism & Global Development (10 June 2020)

In this episode, The Elders' Mary Robinson and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf explore the power of feminist leadership and discuss the challenges women face in the fight to create a more equitable and just world.

Existential Threats: Former Presidents on COVID-19, Justice, War and the Climate Crisis (27 May 2020)

In this episode, The Elders' Mary Robinson and Juan Manuel Santos discuss the consequences of conflict and the impact of COVID-19 on climate action.

Leaving No One Behind: Former UN High Commissioners For Human Rights Discuss Shared Humanity, Ethics and COVID-19 (15 May 2020)

In this episode, The Elders' Mary Robinson and Zeid Raad Al Hussein discuss justice, intersectionality and the COVID-19 response.

Visit the Finding Humanity Podcast website to listen to all of the episodes – exploring the personal stories of activists, survivors and human rights defenders.

Finding Humanity is available on major podcast platforms including: Google PodcastsSpotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Finding Humanity is a joint podcast production of the Humanity Lab Foundation and Hueman Group Media. For its inaugural season, The Elders are partnering on four special edition episodes.

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